Sunday, December 13, 2015

Weekly Progress Report #7

Weekly Progress Report #7
Adnan Khan and Noah Borel

- Optimized tracking ability of color-based tracking and frame difference tracking methods:
- Color-based tracking:
   - Increased erode and dilate function values. Made to work best when a small object was tracked, such as a small container lid.
- Frame difference tracking:
   - Decreased blur size value and increased sensitivity value. Made to work best when tracking a hand or finger when moving left and right or up and down.

- Brainstormed ideas for object tracking with a compound eye simulation:
   - Use computer webcam or external webcam.
   - Move webcam around axis to capture images in shape of semi-sphere.

- 9 total images captured for semi-sphere coverage.  
- Piece together captured images to form one single image.
- Blur image in Microsoft Visual Studio to represent how compound eye captures blurred images.

- Some square image capture areas would overlap. Some areas of the semi-sphere would not be covered by the square image captures.

- Continue development of compound eye simulation:
   - Learn to combine images in Microsoft Visual Studio.
   - Calculate required angles for images to be captured at.
- Integrate frame difference tracking method into new semi-sphere apparatus.  

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