Saturday, September 26, 2015

RE: GanttProject Plan: 9/24/15 - 11/8/15


  1. The activities listed in your Gantt Chart mainly reflect an organized reading plan of the technical info in your Project Resource page rather than a series of tasks or steps to solve your problem. Though solving your problem involves lots of reading and studying, they should be organized around your problem solving steps instead of being a list of independent activities. Imaging following the current Gantt Chart, at the end of this period, you might be able to run 3-4 image processing tasks (they may or may not related to your project directly) using OpenCV functions by following the book/tutorials using a language/platform that may or may not be your final language/platform. You will gain some general knowledge of computer vision and object tracking, and they are definitely helpful, but you can only know a little of everything and without any focus/depth. The main problem is that, through the whole plan, you have not even start solving your problem yet. Taking a STEM research course is totally different from taking a course such as Calculus. You learn calculus by learning it chapter by chapter (since your focus is "Calculus"), without really care about any real world problems. (Even though all the math textbook will emphasize/claim the real-world applications, most of the examples are either fake of non-realistic.) Learn research should focus on the "research problem". Every learning activity should attach to a problem solving step, and lead to a measurable result. I hope you can start seeing the fundamental difference between them.
  2. With that said, you might notice that your Gannt Chart needs to have some important activities, for example, determining the compound eyes mechanism,  designing system architecture, developing algorithm to detect the drone(s) in an ommatidia image, developing algorithm to track the drone(s) in compound eyes, calculating the location and speed of the drone, etc.. Under each main activity, there will be lots of focused reading, studying, designing, implementation, testing, documentation, etc..

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