Sunday, July 12, 2015

Research Task 1 - Adnan Khan

Research Task 1
Adnan Khan

Compound Eyes:
1. Microoptical Artificial Compound Eyes (2005); [chapters 1-2, 27 pages]:

-   Compound eyes combine small eye volumes with a large field of view (FOV), at the cost of comparatively low spatial resolution.
-   Used by various insects. Allows them to obtain information about the environment with low brain processing power.
-   High resolution not always needed. Better to have a very compact, robust and cheap vision system.
-   Limitations in modern optics reduce resolution and also sensitivity with miniaturization of typical imaging optics.
-   Artificial compound eyes involve a much larger option for materials to use versus naturally found compound eyes. But, in nature, large numbers of ommatidia can be achieved easily.
-   Ommatidia = the units/lenses that make up the compound eye.

-   Many applications for compound eyes; Able to be made on a small scale to be fit on many things, very tiny but very accurate.
-   Natural Vision: Two known animal eye types: Single aperture eyes and compound eyes. Compound eyes can be divided into apposition and superposition compound eyes. In nature, it is more efficient to capture the image in a matrix rather than one whole image. Lack of resolution is counterbalanced by a large field of view and additional functionality such as polarization sensitivity and fast movement detection.
-   Single Aperture Eye: Has high sensitivity and resolution. However, this eye type has a small field of view. Single aperture eyes must be moved around to sample the entire surroundings. Large brain/high processing power needed for comprehending all the visual information from a single aperture eye.
-   Apposition Compound Eye: Consists of an array of microlenses on a curved surface. Each microlens is associated with a small group of photo receptors in its focal plane (where the light is focused). This then forms one optical channel = ommatidium. Ommatidium = microlens. Pigments form opaque walls to prevent light that is focused by one microlens to be received by an adjacent channel’s receptor.
     -   Interommatidial Angle: ∆Φ is used to sample the visual surrounding of the insect.
∆Φ = Diameter of micro lens (D)/ Radius of ommatidia to the center (REYE).
     -   Nyquist angular frequency: Period of the finest pattern that can be resolved is 2∆Φ.

     -   Angular sensitivity function: Angular distance Φ of an object from the ommatidium’s optical axis determines the amount of response of the corresponding ommatidium. This response is shown in the angular sensitivity function (ASF).
     -   Acceptance angle: φ defines the minimum distance of two point light sources that can be resolved by the optics. 
     -   Modulation transfer function (MTF): The size of the acceptance angle in relation to Φ determines the modulation for angular frequencies up to the eye’s Nyquist frequency vs. φ is a measure of the overlap or separation of the ommatidia’s FOVs.
     -   Eye parameter: P = Diameter of microlens (D) · ∆Φ. P allows the determination of the creature’s illumination habitat. Smaller P is found in creatures in environments with brilliant sunlight that have diffraction limited eyes while a larger P is found in creatures that are nocturnal or that live in environments that are darker that have high light gathering power. Functionality of the eye determined by capturing a sufficient amount of photons to distinguish a certain pattern through sensitivity.
     -   Sensitivity: Higher sensitivity enables the same overall number of captured photons for shorter image capturing times or lower ambient illumination. The sensitivity allows for compound eyes to have a similar f-number (F/#, ratio of the lens’ focal length to the diameter of the entrance pupil/location) to single aperture eyes, allowing a much wider field of view if even smaller. The Airy disk diameter meeting the receptor diameter is the best compromise between resolution and sensitivity.
     -   Scaling of natural compound eyes: The eye radius is proportional to the square of the required resolution for compound eyes, while it the relationship is linear for single aperture eyes. Increase resolution with increase number and size of the ommatidia; eyes become too large or must show a lower resolution. For humans, a one-meter diameter compound eye would be needed for the same angular resolution.
     -   Special properties of compound eyes: Many invertebrates have areas of locally higher resolution or “acute zones” in their compound eyes; these zones are in the direction of highest interest. Due to the very short focal length, the ommatidia provide a huge focal depth. The image plane of the microlenses is located at the focal plane, independent of the object distance.  Therefore, the angular resolution is constant over many distances. The spatial resolution scales linearly with the object distance. Many channels allow for break down of image processed. Compound eyes are the optimal optical arrangements for large FOV vision. By pooling receptors of adjacent ommatidia, which have different amounts of offset from the corresponding optical axis (receptor pooling), an increased sensitivity is achieved. This improvement in sensitivity is done without the loss of resolution.
-   Superposition Compound Eye: Much more light sensitive than natural apposition compound eyes. Found in nocturnal insects and deep-water crustaceans. The light from multiple facets combines on the surface of the photo receptor layer to form a single erect image of the object.
-   Vision System of the Jumping Spider: They have single aperture eyes but have eight of them. The eyes comprise of two high-resolution eyes, two wide angle eyes, and four additional side eyes. Compound eyes not useable as they would provide too low resolution for identification.
-   State of the Art of Man-Made Vision Systems: Distributing the image capturing task to an array of microlenses instead of using a single objective, will provide a large number of functionalities for technical imaging applications. Miniaturization and simplification are primary demands.
     -   Single aperture eye – classical objective: The image size is given as the product of the pixel size and pixel number, and required magnification is defined by the focal length. Many limitations arise to create high resolution and magnification. This method exemplifies the limitation of system miniaturization of classical single channel objectives.
     -   Apposition compound eye – autonomous robots, optical sensors for defense and surveillance, flat bed scanner, integral imaging, compact cameras: Microlense Array (MLA) used with this eye type. The number of image points is in general equal to the number of ommatidia. Yet, a low number of ommatidia are used. MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems) technology is used that has a scanning retina for a change of direction of view. However, high effort for mechanics put in, resulting in poor resolution.
     -   Superposition compound eye – Gabor superlens, copying machines, X-ray optics: Ultra wide FOV imaging system based on refractive superposition used to analyze by ray-tracing simulation. Applications in highly symmetric one-to-one imaging systems using graded index MLAs.
     -   Vision system of the jumping spider – autonomous robots, compact large-area projection, compact cameras and relay optics: Transfer of different parts of an overall FOV accomplished by isolating optical channels. Compact digital imaging system with segmented fields of view would be used with an array of segments of microlenses, which are decentered with respect to the channel origin.
 -   Scaling Laws of Imaging Systems: Miniaturized imaging systems for resolution or information capacity, sensitivity, and size are introduced.  
      -   Resolution and Space Bandwidth Product: First order parameters, diffraction limitation, spherical aberration, focal depths, and information capacity. For small-scale lens systems, the diffraction limit itself is the important criteria describing resolution. This limitation can be avoided by using MLAs and parallel information transfer instead of single microlenses.
     -   Sensitivity: Light gathering capability is very important to imaging systems. Various different factors affect imaging system changes with scaling. Point source, extended source, and natural field darkening. The size of the photo sensitive pixels must decrease in order to maintain resolution during scaling. By decreasing the F/# when miniaturizing an image system, resolution and flux can be maintained.
-   3x3 Matrices for Paraxial Representation of MLAs: Combination of different elements of the optical axis for 2x2 matrix discussed. 3x2 matrix formalism explicitly contains the misalignments by having a third component with is always unity is added to the ray vector.
     -   Fundamentals: Eye based on illumination environment, required resolution, and time for image acquisition. Main advantages of compound eyes are the small required volume and the large FOV. High resolution not suited for compound eyes.

2. Bio-Inspired Optic Flow Sensors for Artificial Compound Eyes (2014); [chapters 1-2, 26 pages]:
Chapter 1:
-   Motivation:
     -   Artificial compound eyes: Artificial eyes are bio-inspired that mimic a flying insect’s visual organs and signal pathways. Wide FOV used with multi-directional sensing. Implementation on robot platforms especially MAVs. Examples include CurvACE with 180° horizontal and 60° vertical FOVs and the spatial resolution bio-inspired digital camera which combines elastometric compound optical elements with deformable arrays of photodetectors. Wide-field optic flow sensing achieved with pseudo-hemispherical configuration by mounting a number of 2D array optic sensors on a flexible module found in the 3D semi-hemispherical module platform.
     -   MAVs and microsystems sensor capability gap: MAVs have limited payload, power, and wingspan, limiting eye capabilities. Yet, small flying insects have similar structural capabilities so compound eyes can be carried over. An analog neuromorphic optic flow sensor, which is implemented by mimicking the motion-sensing scheme in an insect’s compound eyes, is he only sensor to meet the payloads and power constraints.
     -   Bio-inspired wide field integration (WFI) navigation methods: Flying insects’ visual pathway is enabled with neurons in the compound eyes that interpret information about self-flight status from the wide FOV optic flow. WFI platform mounted on robot extract cues on self-status in flight.
     -   Current state of the art optic flow sensing solutions for MAVs: Integrations of optic flow sensing systems for collision avoidance and altitude control are demonstrated on some MAVs.
     -   Pure digital optic flow sensing approach: This implements computation intensive signal processing algorithms on hardware. The hardware consists of an image sensor to extract video scenes and a microcontroller (MCU) or a field programmable gate array (FPGA) to compute the algorithms. Provides very accurate optic flows but is difficult to put on MAVs.
     -   Pure analog VLSI optic flow sensors: Includes neuromorphic circuits that mimic neuro-biological architectures in an insect’s visual pathways. This includes two purposes; to implement the full insect’s visual signal processing chain as similar as possible and to have pure analog optic flow sensors selectively choose the aspects inside the insect’s eyes to effectively implement on the sensor. Pros include that it meets the power and payload constraints. Cons include that it is sensitive to temperature and process variations.
     -   Analog/digital (A/D) mixed-mode optic flow sensor: Includes a time-stamp-based optic flow algorithm. Algorithm uses motion estimation concepts from an insect’s neuromorphic algorithm and then maps the concepts into circuits. Reduces digital calculation power and minimizes static power consumption.
-   Thesis Outline: Bio-inspired optic flow sensors are customized for the semi-hemispherical artificial compound eyes platform.
     -   Visual information processing in a flying insect’s eyes: Starts on the anatomy of the insect’s compound eye and its mechanism of vision-based flying control. Then describes the elementary motion detector model that is known to estimate optic flows in the compound eyes. Continues on visual cues utilized in MAVs and their autonomous navigation.
Chapter 2:
-   Visual Information processing inside a flying insect’s eyes: Ommatidia include a lens and a photoreceptor to independently sense light. Natural compound eyes in insects have very wide FOVs and are immobile with fixed-focus optics. The eyes infer distance information from estimating motions (or optic flows). Eyes have a much higher detectable frequency range than single aperture eyes in humans but with the cost of resolution.
     -   Anatomy of an insect’s compound eyes: The compound eyes consist of three main optic lobes that are each consisted of three types of neuropils or gangalia, which are a dense network of interwoven nerve fibers and their branches and synapses; the lamina, medulla, and lobula complex. Lamina: Right beneath the photoreceptor layer and receives direct input from them. It provides gain control functionality that insures a quick adaption to variation in background light intensity. Medulla: Includes very small cells. Sends the information from the lamina to the lobula complex. Lobula complex: The convergence of the optic area. Information from photoreceptors converges onto cells in the lobula plate. These cells are the tangential cells. Then, the information is transferred to higher brain centers and to descending neurons to motor centers in the thoracic ganglia.
     -   Elementary motion detector model: Model based on the natural design of the specialized processing capabilities of visual motion in the medulla. Motion detection model named the correlation elementary motion detector (EMD); it is based on correlation of the signal associated with one ommatidium with the delayed signal from a neighboring ommatidium. The EMP uses the spatial connectivity, delay operation, and nonlinear interaction of the correlator to produce directional motion sensitivity and motion-related output without computing derivatives.
     -   Wide-field optic flow analysis: lobular complex: Image information cannot be directly retrieved at the local level and optic flow from various regions of the visual field must be combined to infer behaviorally significant information. Spatial integration takes place after the medulla in the lobular plate where tangential neurons receive input from large receptive fields.
     -   Bio-inspired autonomous navigation: Method extracts control parameters by integrating wide-field optic flow and by several matched filters; this is then tuned to be sensitive for optic flow patterns induced by a robot’s specific movement.
     -   Summary: In this chapter, the vision processing in an insect’s eye is described. Three optic lobes, which are lamina, medulla, and lobula, perform temporal high-pass filtering, motion detection, and wide-field optic flow integration in each lobe. The integrated optic flows by a matched filter provide self-motion, depth and speed information for a flying insect’s flight. A 3 degree-of-freedom (3 DOF) autonomous navigation control scheme, which utilizes the extracted motion by WFI, is also described.

Object Detection Using Compound Eyes:
1. A new method for moving object detection using variable resolution bionic compound eyes (2011):
-   Introduction: An image filter with variable resolution and a proposal for using variable resolution double-level contours is discussed. First, the double-level includes the contour detection for lowest resolution images. Then, the texture gradient computation is done that carries out contour segmentation in the high-resolution image acquired by the single eye. Lastly, a Geodesic Active Contour model for texture boundary detection is applied so the moving target is recognized. New method was created to reduce the complexity of the 3-2-3-dimension single camera capture technique. Contour detection and variable resolution are important characteristics of the compound eye.
-   Imaging mechanism of ommatidium: Compound eyes consist of the large field system and small field system. The large field system detects global motion while the small field system detects moving targets accurately.
-   Compound eyes multi-resolution imaging: The facets of the compound eyes have variation in concentrations depending on location. The ommatidia with low resolution in sparse areas can detect changes in motion, while only requiring a small amount of data. Ommatidia with high resolution in dense areas can accurately identify objects. An elliptical projection of the ommatidium was used to obtain information within the oval region.  Gaussian-weighted center of gravity used to improve de-noising when gravity is used to extract the information from the elliptical image center.
-   Image filter with bionic compound eyes: Different distribution densities in the eyes allows for different types of filters to be used to process the images. Small Gaussian filters used for sensitive areas and larger Gaussian filters used in the denser regions. Noise always has an effect on the image. Filtration is thus done on the several compound eyes projection images with the Gaussian function to then extract information.
-   Description of the Detection Algorithm with Variable Resolution: Very few bionic compound eyes have been made. Methods used use algorithms of moving object detection using variable resolution double-level contours.
     -   Level 1: Contour Detection: First a low-resolution remotely sensed image is processed. Image edges (contours) are detected with Canny method. Then, minimum area matrix is calculated that would include the contour.
     -   Level 2: Contour Segmentation with GAC Texture Gradient Model: Next step includes the action of processing a high-resolution remotely sensed image with the same surface features. A GAC gradient flow model based on texture gradient is used.
-   Results: Profile of a ship in water extracted from low-resolution image. Red rectangle calculated to fit with minimum area on the profile. At first, low-resolution images only needed for profile detection. Then, algorithm processes high-resolution images. This allows the algorithm to compute the smaller area to accurately extract the target. This method provides improved computational efficiency and data handling.

-   The concepts of the compound eyes are relatively easy to understand, but the math and actual implementation after the concepts seems complicated. Nevertheless, I see that the use of compound eyes in our drone defense robot will be good as the eyes can be very efficient.
-   I have made progress with the compound eyes and the object motion detection. I have yet to complete the OpenCV projects. I will be working on these soon. 

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