Friday, January 15, 2016

STEM Team 2: Progress Report #2 Presentation

Adnan Khan

Click "LINK" below to see the Progress Report #2 presentation from January 12th, 2016:

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Weekly Progress Report #9

Weekly Progress Report #9
Adnan Khan

*Noah Borel is no longer working with STEM Team 2 on the Drone Defense System: Vision System. Noah is now working with STEM Team 11 on Machine Learning - Deep Learning.


- Completed calculations, adjustments, and measurements for compound eye simulation frame. The cardboard frame will have holes to allow for an external webcam to be installed into frame to capture images at different angles.
   - Real model is to be two times larger than the scale depicted in the model diagram drawings.
- Solved previous problems with diagram involving angle of trapezoidal sides:

   - Began with cross-section sketch of a portion of the three-dimensional compound eye frame.
      - Yellow: Interior trapezoid from center of octagons to edge of octagons. Edge of octagons is in center of exterior trapezoid face.
      - Green: Interior trapezoid from center of octagons to edge of octagons. Edge of octagons is at the end of exterior trapezoid face.
      - Dark Blue: Right triangle face representing 1/16th of upper octagon. Upper octagon is octagon represented in other diagrams and is an actual piece of the frame.
      - Light Blue: Right triangle face representing 1/16th of lower octagon. Lower octagon is octagon formed when whole frame is put together. Lower octagon is not a piece of the frame but is just its base.
      - Red: 1/2 of exterior trapezoid. Is 1/2 of actual frame trapezoids that are to be constructed.

   - Calculations begin with the given information that the obtuse angle of the yellow trapezoid is 121°. From there, the desired angle is the obtuse angle of the red trapezoid. Desired angle then allows for the width of the red trapezoid to be calculated.
      - Desired angle = 102°

- Completed final diagram drawing for compound eye simulation frame:

   - Top-Down View:

 - View of compound eye frame from a bird's eye view. View is if the frame is all complete and the three-dimensional model was looked at from the top.
   - The height of the trapezoid is not 3 inches, but when looking down at the frame the x-axis distance between the sides of the trapezoids is 3 inches.
   - Once the frame is formed, all the edges of the trapezoids will touch. Thus, when looking down at the model, the trapezoids' obtuse angles will appear to be 112.5°.

- Top-Down View is used so that when frame pieces are assembled and the trapezoids are angled, the model is as depicted in the diagram.

   - Flattened View:

- View of compound eye frame before trapezoid pieces are angled downward. View is of flat trapezoid piece attached to the octagon.
   - The actual height of the trapezoids is 5.83 inches. The trapezoids' side lengths are 5.96 inches.
   - The actual obtuse angles of the trapezoids measure 102°. This is the same desired angle from the previous calculations. This angle then dictates the measure of the 2.07 inch side.
   - The dashed lines represent the sides of the trapezoids if the trapezoids' obtuse angles measured 112.5°. Since the trapezoid sides meet when they are angled downward, the obtuse angles have to be less than the 112.5° when flat.

- Flattened View is used in the construction of the frame pieces, as it directly gives their dimensions.

External Webcams:
- External webcam to be used to capture images at different angles. The frame is designed to both show the areas that the webcam is to capture and also to hold the webcam in place at the specific angles.
   - Cheap webcam is usable: Images captured will ultimately be blurred to mock the natural compound eye's behavior.
   - Webcam must be a common shape so that it can be easily held in place in the frame.
1. niceEshop Rotatable 5.0 Megapixel HD PC Laptop USB webcam camera
   - Shape: Spherical camera
   - Price: $5.59


2. Kobwa High Resolution 5.0 Megapixel USB 2.0 Webcam PC Laptop HD Camera
   - Shape: Rectangular camera
   - Price: $4.19

- Still working on actual frame. Cardboard was hard to obtain, as pieces have to be of specific sizes. Lack of available time has also led to the delay of the actual construction of the frame. Nevertheless, it will be completed in the next few days.

- Create formula for calculating desired angle of trapezoids' obtuse angle with any measurement for the vertical trapezoid tilt angle. This will be useful if any angle measure adjustments need to be made later on.
- Complete construction of compound eye simulation frame.